Provincial government announces consultations on OMB appeals and supporting smart growth

On Thursday, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced its consultation process for its upcoming review of its land use planning and appeals system, as well as its development charges system.

A consultation workshop on land use planning and appeals is scheduled at The Aud, Subscriber’s Lounge (400 East Ave, Kitchener), on Thursday, November 14th. You can also provide your comments online, by email, or by mail. You can find more information or register to attend the session through the Ministry website.

You can also learn more about the questions the government will consider here.

The government has said they won’t consider elimination of the Ontario Municipal Board or changes to its operations, practices, and procedures. However, they are asking a series of 17 specific questions. Many are relevant to the situation our community is facing with the Region’s Official Plan, such as what should be appealable to the Ontario Municipal Board.

The province is also looking for feedback on its rules regarding development charges. They are asking specific questions about how development charges can be used to encourage intensification and the province’s Growth Plan. While there will not be an in-person consultation, comments on the development charges questions can be submitted online, by email, or by mail.

We at Smart Growth Waterloo Region are encouraging local residents to participate in the consultation process, and hopefully help shape the future of our province and our community. We also hope that this consultation will help the province and other communities learn from our residents’ experience with the Ontario Municipal Board’s ruling against the Region of Waterloo’s Official Plan.